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傳真服務 工作環境 活動場地

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如果你希望以可負擔的價格尋找工作室以發展業務,Synergy Biz Group是你的不二之選。如想獲取更多有關資料或安排參觀,請電郵至 或 Whatsapp短訊至9138 5955。
What facilities and services do you provide?We provide basic facilities include pantry, shower room, toilet, laundry facilities, common areas and roof top garden.
What about the rental fee of our co-living spaces?We provide two types of bedspace (single bed and bunk bed) with monthly rental fee from $3,300.
What does the fee include?The rental fee is charged on monthly basis. The fee includes bedspace, management fee, government rates and rent, property tax, public area cleaning fee, broadband internet service and water charge. Residents can also relax and enjoy at common spaces and flat roof. In addition, we organize different kinds of events for the residents, offering a platform for them to meet with each other.
Are there any restrictions in age or gender?We welcome youngsters aged from 18 to 35 (including tertiary students, working youth and young entrepreneurs) to be our tenants with no restraints on gender (with only the same gender in individual apartment/floor)
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